To all the Jews out there, happy passover. I now get to eat cardboard whoops I mean matzah instead of bread for a week -- SCORE! I went up to Grandam's today for the seder and we got into one of those heated political discussions like we always do. This time it was about those stankin' Tea-partiers... Ehhhmmm...
Speaking of which*, here is what I wore today.
I've had this prairie dress thing for a while, and never really wear it... I was getting a little sick of all my clothes so it seemed like a good time to pull out some oldies...
Perhaps you can see in this photo that I am smiling. Maybe I'm smiling about the fact that you all are thinking the title of this post -- "the game" -- has to do with that game people are always playing, where they say "you just lost the game!" What you don't know is that I think that game is exponentially lame, and I have never understood the appeal, at all. Sorry if anyone reading this likes that game, sorry. You just lost it anyway.
I enjoy this picture because I so obviously thought I needed to be lower for the shot/am falling over. Or maybe I was trying to look preggers? Who knows. Sometimes modeling inspiration just hits me and I can't help it? It's not easy being the next Tyra, JEEZ.**
Also, someone mentioned monochromatic outfits the other day and it got me thinking... I am really tempted to pull together all my white clothing... WE SHALL SEE!
* = attempt to figure out the connection between the Tea-partiers and my outfit...
** = those were jokes. I have zero modeling skillz, in case that isn't already painfully clear (which it is...)