Monday, March 22, 2010


This weekend was stuffed to the brim with work work work so I didn't have time to take pictures of any outfits. Alas! I do have some pictures saved up from a while ago, although this supply is very rapidly fizzling out... Anywho, here is one of my fave outfits, but a slightly horrendous photo!

Don't mind the fact that the expression on my face is more than a little bit disgusting. That lacy dress is one of my best acquisitions, because I can wear it with so much stuff. I liked tucking it under the skirt with this outfit, so that I didn't look like a complete Puritan.

I used this little ribbon thing I got as a present in 8th grade to make a necklace, because I thought the outfit needed some more pink, to complement the shooz... which are shown below...

Property of the glorious Sofi Chavez! Thank you thank you thank you!

Finally, you may (but most likely not) be wondering about the title of this post. Well, it turns out "gorblimey" is an "expression of indignation or surprise." I just thought it was too good to pass up. You know, just your average Irish-angry-old-man-sounding word.

Aaaaand with that I end my post!

P.S. Katie or Drue, if either of you are reading this, here is a little shout-out! I want to thank my very very small band of followers RIGHT NOW! xxx

1 comment:

  1. You know what is really awesome? I just facebook stalked you and decided I needed to look at your blog again...So I did...And though I'd read this one last year I JUST SAW THE SHOUT OUT! I FEEL SO FAMOUS!!!!!!! (ps. Can we get lunch soon? Once APs are over maybe?) xxxxxxxxxx
